Our Patients Opinions
We have operated several hundred of patients.
We have been extremely careful from de beginning to follow the …in order to offer the best option of eye color to our patients.
In order to choose the adequate eye color for your case we take into in consideration your ethnicity, your personal appearance and also the cosmetic appearance you want to get.
We only reproduce eye colors that exist a human being and in the ethnicity from which you are coming from.
Our patient’s satisfaction are in general overwhelming. Here you can read our studies and color eye changes in scientific journals as in the scientific publications.
There are some testimonies of our patients:

A new lighting in my life
My eye color was light brown and now are green. I’m very satisfy because this always has been my wish since I was a child, as far as my father has green eyes and I wanted to have his eyes. I want to thanks BlueGreen to do this lighting in my life.
Very happy!!
My eyes were brown and from always I wanted to have light blue eyes. My skin is very white and I really wanted to have this color. I did it some years ago and I’m enjoying a lot this appearance. My husband has been so happy with this since we met that finally we married.